If you think migraine aura is just seeing odd stuff… think again

Migraine aura is the complex of neurological or neuropsychological symptoms. It is the second stage of a migraine attack. However, not all migraine sufferers experience aura. But for those whom do it can be a very frightening experience and at times even worse than the headache stage.  But most people think aura is just the flashy … More If you think migraine aura is just seeing odd stuff… think again

So what is the cause of a Migraine?..Why do they happen to me?

Even amongst the medical professionals the exact cause of a Migraine attack is not fully understood; but last year researchers located genetic regions which are linked to the onset of a migraine attack. So the current thinking is that Migraine is a neurological disorder.  Contrary to myths that surround migraines, they are not caused by … More So what is the cause of a Migraine?..Why do they happen to me?