The power of meditation to help self healing

One of my doctors gave me the best advice some 10 years ago now – firstly what you do today for 5 minutes do tomorrow for 5.5 minutes! ie stop pushing so hard – and learn meditation and poker! Photo by Jared Rice on Unsplash And so my meditation journey started (which is better than … More The power of meditation to help self healing


‘Triggers’ are specific factors that may increase your risk of having a migraine attack. Triggers do not ‘cause’ migraine. Instead, they are thought to activate processes that cause migraine in people who are prone to the illness. Most Migrainers have more than one trigger – yet a trigger may not cause a migraine every time. … More Triggers


The aura is the complex of neurological or neuropsychological symptoms. It is the second stage of a migraine attack. However, not all migraine sufferers experience aura. Aura can be broken down into 4 groups: 1 Sensory disturbances 2 Motor disturbances 3 Verbal disturbances 4 Visual disturbances 1 Sensory Somatosensory symptoms Numbness, prickling sensations, things crawling … More Auras

If you think migraine aura is just seeing odd stuff… think again

Migraine aura is the complex of neurological or neuropsychological symptoms. It is the second stage of a migraine attack. However, not all migraine sufferers experience aura. But for those whom do it can be a very frightening experience and at times even worse than the headache stage.  But most people think aura is just the flashy … More If you think migraine aura is just seeing odd stuff… think again

So what is the cause of a Migraine?..Why do they happen to me?

Even amongst the medical professionals the exact cause of a Migraine attack is not fully understood; but last year researchers located genetic regions which are linked to the onset of a migraine attack. So the current thinking is that Migraine is a neurological disorder.  Contrary to myths that surround migraines, they are not caused by … More So what is the cause of a Migraine?..Why do they happen to me?

A Migraine is NOT just a headache and neither is it a hangover….

Migraine does not take into account your creed, colour, education or social status….. it effects everyone – any age, any background……. A few facts: It is the most prevalent neurological condition in the UK 1 in 7 people in the UK suffer from migraine. 190,000 migraine attacks everyday in the UK It costs the UK around £2.25 billion … More A Migraine is NOT just a headache and neither is it a hangover….